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Basic Things That You Need To Know About Data Recovery And Data Backup Solution Burp RSS

199|193|7||1674305661|7|1674495812|0|When talking about functional programs to restore networks and perform backups, it is necessary to share with the entire community the greatest exponents in the field, taking this information into account we have decided to give our opinion on one of the most popular security programs in the industry, this program is called Burp, and we will dedicate the following content to describe in an objective way what are the components that we consider most relevant about this program.

To help us break down the most relevant components of this program, let's take a few seconds to explain its definition.

What is Burp?

My picture

Burp is nothing more and nothing less than one of the most updated network backup and restore programs to date, the most recent update of this program was just last December 2022, which was carried out by Graham Keeling, the main contributor and responsible for the success of the Burp project. Basically, Burp is responsible for reducing network traffic and the amount of space used by each backup, Burp uses VSS (Volume Snapshot Service) to take snapshots when backing up Windows computers. It is a free and open source software which is still in its development stage, which is why this software is still growing, in fact we can see on its website that the developer himself says that he works on the project in his spare time and to promote the continuity of this project, he receives donations from people who want to collaborate with it.

So being objective, we will try not to be so demanding with a software that is still under development and is distributed for free under an AGPLv3 license. We suggest you take a look at the LICENSE for more information. Like the vast majority of open source software on the market, Burp does not offer any kind of warranty, so the user is 100% responsible for the use of the program and the consequences that may befall the user.

History of Burp The first version of this software was released on January 22, 2011, which at that time was an extremely reduced version and we could say extracted from the Bacula code, it could also be said that the intention at that time was to remove all the components of the code, except the parts of the Windows VSS API, so that they would be combined with librsync to create a new backup program.

From 2011 to date, this complete backup program has been gaining ground throughout the community, to the point that for more than 10 years it has managed to rank as one of the best software for network backup and restore.

Features Some of the features that have prompted us to talk about Burp are as follows: - Server mode runs on Unix based systems. - Client mode runs on Windows and Unix based systems. - Support for Windows Volume Shadow Shadow Service (VSS) (Windows XP R2 and later). - Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. - Delta differencing with librsync. All these features can be verified from its own web page, which is why we do not want to dwell too much on this part.

Major contributions that users can use from Burp Of course, the benefits it can bring are very diverse, so we will only mention some of them. - If we compare this program with one of its main competitors such as Bacula, we can see that it is simpler to use, besides having four separate main components, each with its own configuration files. - It is easier to code and debug than similar competitive products. - It works well with disk storage. - Stores the catalog together with backups, which makes maintenance easier. - You don't need extensive knowledge of mysql or postgres databases (if you are, nothing happens). - It is in charge of performing a delta differentiation. Finally 1 of the most important points in favor of this software, has to do precisely with its website, although its design is not the most visually striking, the interface is very easy to use, just read the statements presented, to move in seconds easily within the page, plus it is a very well documented page, basically you can find on its website all kinds of concerns that any user may have about the system.

Burp Curiosities The Burp server (the place where backups are stored) must be run on a Linux-style operating system, but it can also be run on Windows or Mac. The main dependencies of Burp are: - library - abressl - zlib (recommended >=1.2.5) - utash No need to install cygwin on Windows Server-side data deduplication if performed since version 1.2.4 using 'Bedup'. Burp is not a registered trademark by anyone, although its creator has all the right to register it, we do not know why he has decided not to make a formal registration of this software.

Now, what is our opinion about Burp?

My picture

Saving the big differences it has with other much more complete software on the market, our opinion is that Burp is a very useful tool, which allows us to perform various functions and in a fairly efficient way, in fact to be a free software and that is funded by donations, we can say that a great future awaits this program in the coming years, although in this technological revolution that we are living nowadays, to guarantee a good future for any program is not 100% sure, since the variety of manufacturers that are constantly updating their products, while at the same time bringing new products to the market, makes the success of any program that exists today difficult. However, Burp's current situation is successful and if it continues to be so, we hope it will continue to grow in the coming years. We do not want to conclude this brief review, without first making a call to the community in general to learn more about Burp, since from our perspective it is a tool that is worth knowing in depth, needless to say that articles like this only serve to give an idea to the user, but has not been written to clarify all the doubts that may arise, therefore the invitation is to continue investigating on their own about this powerful tool.

Basic Things That You Need To Know About Data Recovery And Data Backup Solution Burp RSS