What is Meta-Analysis of Cloud Computing Research in Information System
This read presents a meta-analysis of cloud computing research in information systems. This indicate that extant cloud computing literature tends to skew towards the technological dimension to the detriment of other under researched dimensions such as business, conceptualization and application domain.
Whilst there has been a constant increase in cloud computing studies over the last seven years, a significant number of these studies have not been underpinned by theoretical frameworks and models. Also, a majority of cloud computing studies utilized experiment and simulation as methods of enquiry as compared to the qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies. This study contributes to cloud computing research by providing overall insight into trends in topics, methodologies, research frameworks, geographic focus, and future research directions.
Recently, the use of personal computers and smartphones has increased significantly worldwide. This trend has increased global competition and companies need to expand their operations to different geographies in order to be sustainable. Meeting this need requires efficient use of resources to achieve operational excellence. A new innovation, cloud computing, is trying to meet these needs. Cloud computing isn't exactly new, but its commercialization began around the year 2000.
How Meta-Analysis Works with Cloud Computing
Cloud computing simply means delivering information technology (IT) solutions over the Internet as services rather than products (Senyo, Effah & Addae, 2016). According to Gartner (2016), by 2020 over $1 trillion in IT spending will be directly or indirectly related to the move to cloud computing systems.
As a result, major cloud service providers such as Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Google are in fierce competition for their share of projected revenue. In science, cloud computing has attracted more and more research in recent years. Among these studies are several literature reviews (e.g. Bayramusta & Nasir, 2016; El-Gazzar, 2014; Venters & Whitley, 2012; Yang & Tate, 2012). So while these overviews provide useful insight into cloud computing, some knowledge gaps remain.
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